Thursday, 9 May 2013

The importance of Location...

I want to take a little time to consider how, and more importantly why I am going to portray my ideas through my work. What will I photograph? From discussions in previous seminars with both my tutor and fellow students, I have come to the conclusion that location is key throughout my project. I must focus my work in places of interest to me, places that make me feel something or trigger a key memory from my childhood. Although the images I create may not "hit home" so to speak, with the viewers of my work, it will provide me with a vital interest in the topic, and as the project progresses I will have a much more personal connection with my work, and will enjoy my journey throughout the project. As Roland Barthes explains in his book "Camera Lucida", we can all acknowledge a general understanding of a photograph, through social and cultural codes and signs, but sometimes there are particular images that "wound" us. I aim to explore this in my work and through my research in the coming weeks.

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